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Excel is Maslow’s hammer of our time

The law of the instrument states that if your only tool is a hammer, you are tempted to treat everything as a nail. In modern business this hammer often is Excel. Every time someone needs a little (or larger) tool to do some work, in many companies the result is an Excel spreadsheet with lots of logic, programming and formatting in it. It’s tempting since in a corporate environment nearly everyone has an office suite on their computer. An obvious solution is hacked together pretty fast and often never again understood, but more on that later.
There are however some fundamental problems with applications becoming spreadsheets:

  • They are inherently not multi-user capable.
  • They are not versioned. Everyone has some version or the other of the file. Nobody knows which is the newest.
  • They are not maintainable or understandable for someone else as the author or later on even by the author.
  • Data, code and visualization literally live within the same space.

Why are those things generally and inherently bad? Aren’t there legitimate use cases for „Excel apps“? Let’s give all the shortcomings a closer look.

Not multi-user capable

Without using special server components Office documents are not multi-user capable. The start of all misery often is a mail, spreading a document among several people. Then some or all of them start to make changes. If they don’t synchronize who works in which order on the document (and sending around updated versions of the corpus delicti!) the proliferation of conflicting versions will drive you mad some time later.

No versioning

Different people will have different versions of the document. Even you yourself might have different versions, if you chose not to overwrite the existing file: My_Important_Calculation_2019-01-05.xlsx, My_Important_Calculation_2019-01-07.xlsx, My_Important_Calculation_2019-01-07_better_version.xlsx … sounds familiar, eh? I hope I don’t need to explain why this is bad.

Lack of maintainability

Ever tried do decipher a formula as long as the Panamericana crammed in a cell the size of a fruit fly? And now imagine trying to understand what the whole worksheet does by clicking into each and every cell and try to figure out what happens therein. I know there are people who are able to grasp an overall view of a worksheet they never saw before. But I prefer to use my brains computational power to solve the underlying business case or problem instead of an encrypted version of it in a worksheet.

One-pot solution

Your data (the numbers and texts in cells), your code (formulas) and visualization (some inline created graphics) literally live in the same place, your worksheet. You could try to separate the code by using Visual Basic for applications or some more modern replacement but this solves the problem only partially. And you lose some of the just in time synchronous tooling which is one of the few advantages of the Office solution.

So what?

Writing good readable and maintainable code is empathy with your team and your future self. The hardship you go through when you rely on office “applications” for your business mostly was created by yourself and / or your team. At least for the cases you and your team is responsible, you can do better.
Set up an application dedicated to your business problem. There are technical solutions that allow you to do so in a fast and agile way. You can put that solution on a central server so everyone has access. You can back up that server or service to prevent data loss. And your solution will have a much better user experience.
And don’t tell me your company is not a software company because you produce goods or sell services. Thinking this way is sort of a déformation professionnelle (french term for “looking at things from the point of view of one’s profession”). If you deploy some code (in whatever environment), at least part of your company indeed is a software company. Don’t take me for that, maybe you put more confidence in General Electric’s CEO Jeff Immelt who said in an interview with Charlie Rose “Every company has to be a software company”.

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The good, the bad and the ugly – about career ladders in engineering


Nearly everyone working in software development has seen or was confronted with career ladders. These nifty listings of levels for employees. Many people think about the relevance of those ladders for their own career or their teams and companies. Career ladders can be a good way to get some orientation about the inherent questions of our job:

  • Where am I now in the sense of career or growth path?
  • Where am I going? What are my opportunities?

However since career ladders is a very central point and also an often tacitly used one, let me point out some things I learned from my own experience as a developer and engineering manager and from other people. I will list some resources at the bottom of this post.

Lessons learned

  1. Career ladders should not be superimposed to teams from the outside. The creation and usage can and should be triggered and respected by the organization. But let it be some sort of team work. Let people contribute on a voluntary basis. Discuss the content and the usage. When there is some agreement about that, communicate back to the rest of the team making sure everyone understands that this was a team effort. And once again collect and discuss feedback.
  2. Be aware that teams maybe have a heterogeneous background. So on very tightly connected teams with a shared background only some information around the career ladder and the levels therein maybe needed but on other teams you need to be more explicit and detailed in the level definition and things needed to advance. So some extra details and information might be superfluous for some team members but very well used by others.
  3. Think about career paths. There might be more than one linear path and more than one end point if any at all. Some people like to work in tech intensive roles like developers for a certain period of time and then like to advance into more people centric roles. Some tech people don’t like the idea at all to let go of at least some of their time developing and coding and instead deal with those awkward carbon based species. Be sure to offer a way to grow also for those people. Team lead is not the natural next step after being senior engineer for some time. Maybe it will be some sort of architect role, sometimes also called principal engineer.
  4. It’s hard if not impossible to come up with a engineering career ladder from scratch. Have a look around what other organozations do. An increasing number of companies make their career paths transparent and public. See the resources section at the bottom.
  5. With a small team you normally don’t start with a career ladder right away. When your organization grows and your team size reaches the generally accepted management span (the number of people you can manage or care for on a direct report basis) of around 8 to 12 people this is a good point to start to think about that.
  6. A career ladder not only consists of the levels and paths and their definition but also of the way you use and apply it, in performance reviews and promotions for example. Don’t define level transitions by the number of years of experience someone has but by their abilities. People develop with different speed and emphasis. Take that into account. Promote people to levels they already have shown to be able to do.
  7. It’s your job as a manager to create an environment where it is OK to fail. This not only creates an emotionally save culture but also lets people try out new steps on their path to grow.Be sure to create opportunities where people can hop in and learn to grow into that new role or ability.

What about contractors?

I often see discussions about the role of contractors or freelancers in organizations. This certainly also applies to a career ladder. How you see freelancing coworkers and how you manage them depends on the role you assign to them. Traditionally contractors have one of two applications:

  1. Firefighters: You’re project is late and you need more people working on these tasks but can not hire them permanently for any reason.
  2. Knowledge transfer: You need some special knowledge that no one on your team has. Maybe you need it only for some time or maybe it is so rare or obscure (think of COBOL developers) that you were not able to find someone permanently.

These two are the classical or old fashioned “mercenary scenarios” of contractors. But there is another one. Some people just like to be a bit more independent or come from another background. But they will stay with your team pretty much as long as any permanent team member. The modus of payment just is different. In this case I would take those people into account with your career ladder the same way you do with permanently hired coworkers. I for example once was promoted from developer to project manager when I worked as a contractor on a team. This was the start of my “manager’s path”.
