
Getting to work the CKEditor plugin for EasyAdmin in Symfony 4

Developing with Symfony 4 can sometimes be a bit challenging as some of the most widely used bundles are not yet ported to Symfony 4 or never will be (like FOSUserBundle). And sometimes a bundle works pretty well but one of its third party plugins/bundles doesn’t. This is the case with the brilliant EasyAdmin bundle. Sometimes you might want to offer a WYSIWYG editor to a backend user. For this case there is a bundle called IvoryCKEditorBundle that integrates the famous CKEditor into the form component. But the Ivory bundle not (yet) supports Symfony 4 so a helpful soul created a fork and called the package hillrange/ckeditor so you can use CKEditors in nearly any form.

Nearly any but not EasyAdmin. We come to that later. First let’s see how it would work if it worked (that is a sentence, isn’t it?). In Symfony 4 the EasyAdmin config can be found in config/packages/easy_admin.yaml. For a simple entity that only contains a text attribute (of type “text” who would have guessed?) that we would like to WYSIWYG edit it would look something like this:

      class: App\Entity\Entry
          - { property: 'text', type: 'ckeditor', type_options: { trim: true } }

The field type is called “ckeditor”. For this to work EasyAdmin has an array of supported field types and this out of the box also contains an entry for the ckeditor type. It can be found in vendor/javiereguiluz/easyadmin-bundle/src/Form/Util/LegacyFormHelper.php and is called $supportedTypes. And this is why the Hillrange package doesn’t play well with EasyAdmin. The form class just has another name. The original line reads

'ckeditor' => 'Ivory\\CKEditorBundle\\Form\\Type\\CKEditorType',

and can be changed into

'ckeditor' => 'Hillrange\\CKEditor\\Form\\CKEditorType',

Doing so in the original EasyAdmin bundle in the vendor directory is a bad idea. My approach is a bit overkill but offers a clean and regular approach:

  1. Fork the EasyAdmin bundle on github
  2. Change the incriminating line as proposed
  3. Build a release of “your own EasyAdmin”
  4. Include that with the composer.json file to be pulled directly from github

How the latter works will be subject to the next posting. So stay tuned ;)

PS: At some point in the future the IvoryCKEditorBundle will be Symfony 4 ready (at least I hope so) and you will be able to turn back the composer.json entry to the original package.


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